I am very pleased to announce the release of my latest book, on a subject very near and dear to my heart: a simple, clinically proven strategy for painlessly treating fears and phobias.
Based on my successful longtime Anxiety Camp program, No Bravery Required looks at the key areas that good therapists use to treat fears and phobias, including mindful awareness, physical relaxation, cognitive restructuring (e.g. changing the way you think about a scary situation), gradual exposure, and social and communications skills for social anxiety.
The core point of this book is summarized in its title: losing your fears involves specific tools and skills, not bravery. And when done correctly, getting well should be much easier than staying ill. The strategies in this book have been proven over and over, both in the Anxiety Camp group program I have run since 2009, and in the hundreds of individual clients I have treated over the years.
To order your copy - in paperback or Kindle format - click here.